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GitHub tnodir/fort: Fort firewall for Windows
2025-01-15 · < 1 min Fort is an effective firewall designed for Windows 7 and later versions, offering both simplicity and robustness. Filter by network addresses, application groups and more Filter by SvcHost.exe service names Support for wildcards in application path names Speed limit ap
GitHub tnodir/fort: Fort firewall for Windows
2025-01-15 · < 1 min Fort is an effective firewall designed for Windows 7 and later versions, offering both simplicity and robustness. Filter by network addresses, application groups and more Filter by SvcHost.exe service names Support for wildcards in application path names Speed limit ap
Fort firewall: Simple firewall for Windows 7+ | AlternativeTo
2025-01-15 · < 1 min Suggest and vote on features Lightweight  Privacy focused  firewall  No registration required  Ad-free  Portable  Dark Mode  Block Trackers  Traffic shaping  Auto Update  No Tracking  Stats  Scheduling bandwidth-limiter bandwidth network-address network-traffic
The Best Free Windows 10 Repair Tools to Fix Any Problem
2025-01-03 · 9 min Windows 10 is actively used in around one billion devices, essentially capturing the biggest share of the operating system market. And it's constantly on improvement as well. It isn't without fault, though. There are still plenty of issues with Windows 10, and the frequent nature
Alla scoperta di Monero! Quando minare è possibile anche da un Portatile vecchio di anni
2024-12-25 · 4 min Sergio Corpettini : 23 Dicembre 2024 08:54Dal 2014 una piccola realtà cripto monetaria si aggira nella rete. Non finisce spesso sui media come i grandi fratelloni Bitcoin e Ethereum, non supporta contratti, non fa scandalo ma umilmente e in silenzio fa quello che deve fare, e
2024-11-30 · 3 min SnortsoftwareSnortSnort GenereSicurezza informatica SviluppatoreSourcefire Ultima versione3.1.56.0[1] (23 febbraio 2023) Sistema operativoMultipiattaforma LinguaggioC LicenzaGNU General Public License(licenza libera) Sito Snort
Rawsec's CyberSecurity Inventory
2024-11-20 · 101 min An inventory of tools and resources about CyberSecurity.Adversary SimulationBinary ExploitationBug BountyCloudCode AnalysisCollaboration and ReportConfiguration AuditCrackingCrisis ManagementCryptographyDefensiveDigital ForensicsHardwareHoneypot and DecoyIncident ResponseInten
Blocking Unwanted Countries with Windows firewall | Greg's IT Blog
2024-10-08 · 2 min I get a lot of clients asking me what they can buy for protecting themselves from countries they don’t want connecting to their office or home network since they have no business with these countries and the threat they pose in hacking.A simple and “zero cost” solution alre
Arrestato hacker siciliano che ha bucato i sistemi del ministero della Giustizia
2024-10-03 · 3 min È stato arrestato un quasi 24enne siciliano (li compirà tra un mese) - originario di Sciacca (Agrigento), residente a Gela (Caltanissetta) e domiciliato a Roma - reo di aver bucato i sistemi informatici del min istero della Giustizia, ottenendo l'accesso a documenti riservati,
4 more nations sign on to US led counter spyware agreement Nextgov/FCW
2024-09-24 · 2 min The Commerce Department proposed a rule to prohibit the sale of connected vehicle components made in China and Russia, citing concerns that the hardware and software could allow the U.S. foreign adversaries to collect sensitive data and disrupt critical infrastructure.The rule, u
Avast Antivirus Wikipedia
2024-08-09 · 18 min Vai alla navigazione Vai alla ricerca AvastsoftwareLogoGenereAntivirus SviluppatoreAvast Software Ultima versioneWindows: 6.30.1 (7 ottobre 2020; 3 anni fa)Android: 6.33.0 (30 settembre 2020; 3 anni fa) Sistema operativoMultipiattaforma LicenzaProprietaria/Freeware
Storia ed evoluzione della sicurezza di rete | Avast
2024-08-09 · 6 min Supportiamo i browser, non i dinosauri. Aggiorna il tuo browser per visualizzare correttamente il contenuto di questa pagina Web.Non sai qual è la soluzione più adatta per la tua azienda?Aiutami a sceglierePer aziende Risorse Storia e futuro della sicurezza di rete Al giorno d'

foto Valentino Spataro
Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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