Banca dati del DNA: cos'è, regolamento e attuazione in Italia Agenda Digitale 2024-10-05 ·
5 min La banca dati del DNA è uno strumento tecnologico all’avanguardia che rende possibile un più efficace contrasto di taluni reati, oltre che uno strumento davvero indispensabile per affrontare i casi delle cosiddette “persone scomparse”.La banca dati del DNA, inoltre, non s
E commerce tramite piattaforme: obbligo di invio dati alle Entrate 2024-10-05 ·
3 min Libro di CartaIVA in edilizia e nel settore immobiliare 2024-cartaceo29,45€ + IVAIN SCONTO 31,00 €ToolsRavvedimento speciale soggetti ISA aderenti CPB (Excel)49,90€ + IVAIN SCONTO 69,90 €E BookL'Iva nelle prestazioni di servizi internazionali17,90€ + IVAIN SCONTO 18,9
Incoming EU parliament to work on AI liability despite lobby concerns 2024-10-04 ·
3 min Consumer groups support the new law to protect people from faults caused by artificial intelligence (AI).ADVERTISEMENTThe incoming european Parliament will continue work on a legal framework to determine who is liable in case of defaults in artificial intelligence products, now t
EU: EPRS publishes proposal on AI liability directive 2024-10-04 ·
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Liability Rules for Artificial Intelligence 2024-10-03 ·
1 min Skip to main contentIn its White Paper on Artificial Intelligence, the Commission undertook to promote the uptake of artificial intelligence and to address the risks associated with certain of its uses.The Commission proposed a legal framework for artificial intelligence which a
Giustizia, Telespazio, Tim e Guardia di Finanza bucate da hacker, tutti i dettagli Startmag 2024-10-03 ·
5 min Attacchi hacker a min istero della Giustizia, Guardia di Finanza, Tim e Telespazio perpetrati da un giovane 24enne arrestato dalla polizia postale. Fatti e approfondimentiViolati i sistemi informatici strategici di min istero della Giustizia, Guardia di Finanza e delle società T
Luxembourg opposes generalised surveillance by Chat Control 2024-09-26 ·
5 min Flashback: the draft regulation of the european Parliament and of the european Council establishing rules to prevent and combat sexual abuse of children, presented on 11 May 2022, aims to step up the fight against the dissemination of pornographic images and videos and sexual sol
Safe and trustworthy AI is a shared responsibility Cisco Blogs 2024-09-25 ·
3 min In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industry and society, collaboration between the public and private sectors has never been more critical. Trust and safety are ultimately on the line. Cisco is a proud signatory and supporter of the EU AI Pa
Winners Announced for the Large AI Grand Challenge EuroHPC JU 2024-09-25 ·
3 min Today, Commissioner Thierry Breton awarded the winners of the Large AI Grand Challenge in a ceremony held at Berlaymont in Brussels.The winners are:Lingua Custodia (France) - A fintech company specialising in AI and Natural Language Processing(NLP) for the finance sector, aiming
european AI Office | Shaping europe’s digital future 2024-09-25 ·
5 min The european AI Office supports the development and use of trustworthy AI, while protecting against AI risks. The AI Office was established within the european Commission as the centre of AI expertise and forms the foundation for a single european AI governance system.The EU aim
Firefox tracks you with “privacy preserving” feature 2024-09-25 ·
2 min Firefox follows Google? With a recent Firefox update, Mozilla seems to have taken a leaf out of Google’s playbook: without directly telling its users, the company has secretly enabled a so-called “Privacy Preserving Attribution” (PPA) feature. Similar to Google’s (failed
EPC co signs joint statement on the adoption of the AI Act with european creators and rightsholders 2024-09-23 ·
5 min Brussels, 13 March 2024We represent a broad coalition of organisations in europe’s creative and cultural sectors, including music, visual, audiovisual, and literary authors; press publishers of newspapers, magazines and specialised publications, book, music, academic publishers