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Remote interviews done right (with Studio Link Tutorial) Joram Schwartzmann – Wissenschaftskommunikation
2025-01-20 · 9 min So you started a podcast and your sound is great. Hoorray! Well, at least it sounds great as long as it is under your control. It’s not only because of social distancing that you’ll find yourself more and more often doing interviews remotely (as in over the internet) instead
2025-01-16 · 4 min Society Featured Young lives are not worth Big Tech profits. • 3 min read So, Donald Trump will be inaugurated next week. His closest Tech Bro pal Elon Musk is attempting to influence European politics by endorsing far right actors on his platform X. Another Tech Bro – Mar
I Switched to Proton VPN and Here's What I Honestly Think About It
2025-01-15 · 5 min Using a trustworthy VPN (Virtual Private Network) service is undoubtedly one of the most important steps you can take when improving privacy in the online world. Anytime you use a VPN, your internet traffic is routed through an encrypted tunnel to a VPN provider's server, making
La guida definitiva su GrapheneOS |
2025-01-14 · 58 min GrapheneOS è un sistema operativo FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) basato sul Android Open Source Project (AOSP), che si concentra sul miglioramento della privacy e della sicurezza.Al momento GrapheneOS Rappresenta il Gold Standard dei sistemi operativi android, questa guid
Nuove regole per PayPal e Apple Pay: saranno più come banche
2024-12-09 · 5 min PayPal e ApplePay saranno trattate come banche, cosa cambia con le nuove regole Home Economia PayPal e ApplePay saranno trattate come banche, cosa cambia con le nuove regole Tutte le grandi app di pagamenti, come Apple Pay e PayPal, saranno trattate come banche dagli Usa grazie
SEND Servizio Notifiche Digitali
2024-12-04 · < 1 min PER I CITTADINILe notifiche delle pubbliche amministrazioni a portata di manoI cittadini che lo desiderano possono ricevere e consultare le notifiche in digitale, accedendo a SEND tramite SPID o CIE o direttamente dall’app IO.In ogni caso la piattaforma garantisce libertà
No smartphone agli under 14. Novara: “Situazione ormai fuori controllo” AgenSIR
2024-11-29 · 3 min (Foto Siciliani - Gennari/SIR)Su nei giorni scorsi è partita una petizione per vietare lo smartphone ai min ori di 14 anni e l’utilizzo dei social agli under 16. L’appello denuncia i danni che l’uso precoce di questi strumenti causa su bambini e ragazzi. La ques
BGH Urteil zu Facebook Datenleck: Was Nutzer wissen müssen
2024-11-29 · 4 min Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs:Facebook-Datenleck: Was Nutzer wissen müssen von Daniel Heymann und Jan Henrich 18.11.2024 | 17:01 | Durch Scraping haben Unbekannte 2021 massenhaft Nutzerdaten bei Facebook abgegriffen. Nun steht fest: Neben den Hackern kann dafür auch der
Rawsec's CyberSecurity Inventory
2024-11-20 · 101 min An inventory of tools and resources about CyberSecurity.Adversary SimulationBinary ExploitationBug BountyCloudCode AnalysisCollaboration and ReportConfiguration AuditCrackingCrisis ManagementCryptographyDefensiveDigital ForensicsHardwareHoneypot and DecoyIncident ResponseInten
How Italy became an unexpected spyware hub
2024-11-17 · 10 min In April 2022, about four months after Kazakhstan’s government violently cracked down on nationwide protests, cybersecurity researchers discovered that authorities in the country were deploying spyware on smartphones to eavesdrop on citizens.The tool wasn’t developed by Kaza
Unità di controllo elettronico (elettromeccanica) Wikipedia
2024-11-12 · 4 min Vai alla navigazione Vai alla ricerca Una ECU applicata a una vettura del 1990.Nell'elettronica applicata agli autoveicoli (ma anche ai motocicli), una unità di controllo elettronico (electronic control unit o ECU in inglese) è un sistema di controllo software cos
Advanced driver assistance system Wikipedia
2024-11-12 · 45 min For broader coverage of this topic, see Vehicular automation. Advanced driver-assistance systemsAssisted control of distance from the leading car centering in lane enabled in a Tesla[1]IndustryAutomotiveApplicationAutomobileCompo

foto Valentino Spataro
Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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