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BlinkShot – Real Time AI Image Generator
2024-11-05 · 3 min [Optional] Add your Together API Key cavallo volanteConsistency modePowered by & Flux100% free and open sourceGitHubTwitter(self.__next_f=self.__next_f||[]).push([0]);self.__next_f.push([2,null])self.__next_f.push([1,"1:HL[\"/_next/static/media/4473ecc91f70f139-s.
EXA Lab. – Delivering cutting edge Android applications, driven by advanced technology and a passion for excellence.
2024-09-16 · < 1 min Driven by advanced technology and a passion for excellence. Google Play Products AnLinux My Phone Number Freezer Busybox Installer System App Remover More Simple, easy and clear Focus on Productivity Our applications provide s
Bodycam e Polizia: Scheda e test del progetto di legge 1660
2024-09-11 · 31 min Camera dei deputati Vai al contenuto Sezione di navigazione Menu di ausilio alla navigazione Vai al menu di navigazione principale ScriviSito mobileENFR // //
7 Open Source Projects You Should Know JavaScript Edition ✔️
2024-08-19 · 7 min OverviewHi everyone 👋🏼​In this article, I'm going to look at seven OSS repository that you should know written in JavaScript, interesting projects that caught my attention and that I want to share.Let's start 🤙🏼​ Appwrite is an end-to-end backend server for Web,
Nuovo bando europeo per euid wallet
2024-08-17 · 13 min Nel contesto del programma Digital Europe è stato lanciato un nuovo bando per proposte finalizzate a promuovere l’uso ottimale delle tecnologie digitali, con particolare attenzione all’identità digitale europea e all’ecosistema basato sui nuovi Digital Identity Wallet (g
Portafoglio elettronico al via
2024-08-17 · < 1 min L’It Wallet, il portafoglio digitale che permetterà di poter conservare sul cellulare tutti i propri documenti ( dalla patente, alla tessera sanitaria) scalda i motori per diventare operativo dall’autunno, come richiesto dal sottosegretario all’innovazione tecnologica
Tips for seamlessly using Cygwin and WSL in Windows 10 | by Robin Coe | Medium
2024-08-09 · 6 min I like Windows 10…now that it includes support for native bash. But it’s not the most straightforward environment to use when it’s necessary to run native windows apps, like Docker.Before I started developing applications that were intended for Docker, I could get away with
EU Council discusses Digital Euro: And how much privacy should it be?
2024-07-07 · 7 min Member states are negotiating rules for the planned digital currency, in particular exemptions from surveillance for offline transactions. A planned „single access point“ is a cause for concern, but additional privacy rules are also on the table. We publish working document
Législatives : comment fonctionne le vote par internet, accessible aux Français de l'étranger ?
2024-07-02 · 5 min Cet article date de plus de deux ans.Les élections législatives se déroulent les 12 et 19 juin prochains. Mais pour les Français établis à l'étranger, le premier tour commence dès ce vendredi 27 mai. Avec, pour une partie d'entre eux, la possibilité de voter par interne
ecb publishes first progress report on digital euro preparation phase
2024-06-24 · 5 min ecb designing high privacy standards to make online and offline digital payments as close as possible to cash transactions ecb started work on designing methodology for calibrating digital euro holding limits ecb continues to provide technical input to legislative discussions wit
Timeline and progress on a digital euro
2024-06-24 · 1 min ANYTIME PAST MONTH PAST YEAR The preparation phase of the project started in November 2023 and is laying the foundations for the potential issuance of a digital euro. This includes finalising the digital euro scheme rulebook and selecting providers that could potentially develop
Pirates: EU cash cap and ban on anonymous hosted crypto wallets results in financial paternalism
2024-04-25 · 2 min The majority of the EU Parliament will later today approve far-reaching new anti-money laundering laws: Anonymous cash payments over €3,000 will be banned in commercial transactions. Cash payments over €10,000 will even be completely banned in business transactions. And anony

foto Valentino Spataro
Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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