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Chat Control: The EU's CSEM scanner proposal
2024-09-15 · 49 min 🇫🇷 French: Traduction du dossier Chat Control 2.0 🇸🇪 Swedish: Chat Control 2.0 🇳🇱 Dutch: Chatcontrole The End of the Privacy of Digital Correspondence Chat control 2.0 on every Smartphone The current proposal Changes proposed by the European Parliament Ch
Open source tools to boost your productivity | TechCrunch
2024-08-22 · 6 min For every yin, there’s a yang; for every action, a reaction; and for every piece of proprietary software, there’s an open source alternative. Or something like that.The issue of “openness” in technology has rarely been so front and center in the public consciousness as it
SPACEWAR by Stewart Brand
2024-08-18 · 46 min SPACEWAR - by Stewart Brand - Fanatic Life and Symbolic Death Among the Computer Bums. ·   ROLLING STONE   ·   7 DECEMBER 1972   · Fanatic Life and Symbolic Death Among the Computer Bumsby Stewart BrandStewart Brand, 33, is a graduate of Stanford (biology).From 1968 to 19
brand love: come si crea una relazione forte tra marchio e persone
2024-08-17 · 1 min Moda e Gaming, la coppia inaspettata che funziona 10 Agosto 2023 - 6 min uti AUTOREValentina Missaglia Perché la formazione continua è il concetto chiave per lavorare nel marketing 31 Agosto 2023 - 7 min uti AUTOREValentina Missaglia Trasformati in Leonardo da Vi
FTC's Endorsement Guides: What People Are Asking
2024-08-17 · 76 min Suppose you meet someone who tells you about a great new product. The person says it performs wonderfully and offers fantastic new features that nobody else has. Would that recommendation factor into your decision to buy the product? Probably.Now suppose the person works for the
Automotive Cybersecurity Standards | UNECE WP.29 & ISO/SAE | Upstream
2024-07-08 · 39 min Upstream Automotive Standards Knowledge HubAs the automotive industry shifts toward connected cars and smart mobility, an added element of vulnerability arises, namely, the threat of cyber-attacks. As such, regulators and governments have worked to ensure that cybersecurity bec

foto Valentino Spataro
Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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