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Principali categorie trovate in 3 risorse su max:12 di oltre 500 in totale
Tutti / Kodi: alternative android tv kodi linux media center raspberry retro computing ux
Android TV + Google Apps On Raspberry Pi: step by step guide
2024-09-16 · 19 min Share Tweet Pin Share Flip Using Android TV on your Raspberry Pi and connecting it to your TV is an excellent alternative to kodi (with OSMC or LibreElec). The system is more intuitive, as you can install apps directly from the Play Store, and it works well out of the box
Plop Linux Overview
2024-09-11 · 1 min English / Deutsch | Print version twitter Plop Linux is designed for advanced Linux users. You can use Plop Linux as• Live version to boot from CD/DVD, USB and network• Desktop installation• Server (LAMP, mail, media server, and so on)The desktop version is available
2024-09-09 · < 1 min BlissFlixx allows you to stream various types of video and audio content directly from the internet to your television. Supported media sources include:Youtube Vimeo Facebook Catchup TV services such as BBC iPlayer Full movies and documentaries on Youtube Torrents (including
Principali categorie trovate in 3 risorse su max:12 di oltre 500 in totale
Tutti / Kodi: alternative android tv kodi linux media center raspberry retro computing ux

foto Valentino Spataro
Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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